
  1. 本館館藏發展以支援校內師生教學研究所需為目標,受理綜合學科/通識性書籍之薦購為主,並保有書刊採購之審核權;專業學科性質之書刊資料,將轉介給相關系所核定。
  2. 進行書刊推薦時,請事先查詢本館館藏目錄,凡本館未收藏者,歡迎您推薦書刊資料;惟西文期刊,請向各系所推薦。
  3. 如為教授上課指定用書,請透過『教授指定用書』、『課程教科書』網頁申請。
  4. 如欲推薦美加博碩士論文,請前往『PQDT資料庫』網頁。想知道更多PQDT
  5. 請完整填寫書刊名、作者、ISBN/ ISSN、出版者/年,以加速書刊進館時效。
  6. 每人每月可推薦書刊冊數以5冊為限,且購置金額以不超過3,000元為原則。
  7. 詳細使用步驟,請見『書刊薦購系統使用手冊』。
All the NCHU students, faculty, and staff are invited to make purchase suggestions to the Library. If there are materials you'd like to see added to the Library's collections, please feel free to submit your purchase request through our Book/Journal Recommendation System.

※The Library is going to upgrade the automation system. During the transition period, the Book/Journal Recommendation System will be temporarily closed from June 12 to August 16. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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